ALIM Web Help

To Add a Hyperlink to an Announcement

You can include hyperlinks in an ALIM Web announcement, to direct users to additional information.

Defining the hyperlink consists of two components: The hyperlink text, and the hyperlink URL (for example, a website, document, or email address).

Follow these steps to add a hyperlink to an announcement.

  1. Edit the announcement to which you want to add a hyperlink.
  2. Position your cursor where you would like to add the hyperlink, and then do the following:
    1. Enter the text hyperlink text surrounded by round brackets.
    2. Enter the hyperlink URL, surrounded by square brackets. For example, entering [] creates a hyperlink to the website.
    For example, if you want the text to display a hyperlink for "Bentley", and thus direct the user to "", enter the following:


    If you want the hyperlink to invoke your default email application to start an email addressed to Jane Doe with an email address of for example, enter the following:

    (Jane Doe)[]

    Important: Ensure that there are no spaces between the hyperlink text and URL components.
  3. When you are finished editing the announcement, click Save.
The hyperlink appears on the announcement.